Unit Heaters

Large open areas, such as garages, showrooms, stores, and workshops, are usually best heated by unit heaters placed at the ceiling.
Figure 13.17 shows the usual connections to a steam unit-heater installation. The thermostat is arranged to start the fan when heat is required. The surface thermostat strapped on the return pipe prevents the running of the fan when insufficient steam  is available. Where hot water is used for heating, the same arrangement is used, except that the float and the thermostatic trap are eliminated and an air-vent valve is installed. Check manufacturers ratings for capacities in choosing equipment.
Where steam or hot water is not available, direct gas-fired unit heaters may be installed. However, an outside flue is required to dispose of the products of combustion properly (Fig. 13.18). Check with local ordinances for required flues from direct gas-fired equipment. (Draft diverters are usually included with all gas-fired heaters. Check with the manufacturer when a draft diverter is not included.) For automatic control, the thermostat is arranged to start the fan and open the gas solenoid valve when heat is required. The usual safety pilot light is included by the manufacturer.
Gas-fired unit heaters are often installed in kitchens and other premises where large quantities of air may be exhausted. When a makeup air system is not provided, and the relief air must infiltrate through doors, windows, etc., a negative pressure must result in the premises. This negative pressure will cause a steady downdraft through the flue pipe from the outdoors into the space and prevent proper removal of the products of combustion. In such installations, it is advisable to place the unit heater in an adjoining space from which air is not exhausted in large quantities and deliver the warm air through ducts. Since propeller fans on most unit heaters cannot take much external duct resistance, centrifugal blower unit heaters may give better performance where ductwork is used. Sizes of gas piping and burning rates for gas can be obtained from charts and tables in the ASHRAE Handbook  Fundamentals for various capacities and efficiencies.

The efficiency of most gas-fired heating equipment is between 70 and 80%.

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