Registers of test results

Test results on materials should normally be recorded on special forms to a format supplied by the engineer. Afile for each type of test should be kept on site, copies of the tests being sent to the engineer. A general classification of tests for filing would be as under.
Borehole logs, trial pit results, etc.
Foundation material tests: grading curves; sample tests; analyses, etc.
Earthwork tests: Proctor compaction tests; in-situ density tests; etc.
Concrete tests: aggregate gradings and tests; cement tests; cube and beam tests, etc.
Pipeline tests.
Miscellaneous tests.
Other manufacturers tests.
Files should be fronted by a register of all tests taken. The particulars on the register must show where the sample is taken from, the date taken, date tested, and nature of test. Reference numbers for all samples must be given, and indelibly written on the sample packaging. Simple errors in labelling concrete test cubes, for instance, can lead to time-consuming, expensive and unnecessary alarms.
The position of all foundation or earthwork investigations, inspections, probes, samples, etc. should be marked on a plan. It is essential to keep a second up-dated copy of this plan since loss of it can greatly reduce the value of such investigations.
On many civil engineering projects equipment installed of various kinds may need to undergo performance tests, some of which may be extensive lasting several weeks. Also logs of various observations of the performance of the works may be needed, such as movements of a dam during filling or settlement of earth structures. There may also be test results on mechanical and electrical plant, crane test certificates, logs of underdrain flows and pore water pressures, settlement readings, and many other matters. The results of these tests and observations must be collated and preserved, since they will all need to be supplied to the employer when he takes over the project. Some test observations may have to be started as soon as part of the works are constructed and kept going for the rest of the job. All these matters are important because all such performance records may need to be summarized in a suitable form and presented to the employer in a Completion Report.

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