Seismic Risk Ranking parameters
The embankment ranking and prioritization procedures in the seismic vulnerability methodology are based on three parameters that have to be derived […]
Recent major earthquakes around the world have shown the vulnerability of
infrastructure and the need for research to better understand the nature of seismic
events and their effects on structures. As a result, earthquake engineering research has
been expanding as more and more data become available from a large array of seismic
instruments, large scale experiments and numerical simulations. This book presents
results from some of the current seismic research activities including threedimensional
wave propagation in different soil media, seismic loss assessment,
geotechnical problems including soil-structure interaction, and seismic response of
structural components and structures including historical and monumental structures,
bridge embankments, and different types of bridges and bearings.
First part of the book deals with seismic risk assessment and hazard analysis with a concentration on seismic microzonation, development of probabilistic hazard maps, geotechnical problems including soil-structure interaction, and three-dimensional
wave propagation in different soil media considering different surface characteristics and topography. Chapter 1 provides a methodology for seismic risk assessment within
a performance based earthquake engineering framework. Probabilistic hazard analysis and economic models are used for loss estimation and evaluation of earthquake impact on regional economies. Chapter 2 describes development of seismic
microzonation and probabilistic hazard maps for a specific region. Details of site characteristics including geological conditions and soil nonlinearity were considered
in the seismic zoning and hazard assessment. Chapter 3 presents cognitive methods for modeling geotechnical and seismological problems. New data-driven modern techniques are used to complement and improve the traditional physically-based
geotechnical modeling and system analysis under earthquake loading.
The embankment ranking and prioritization procedures in the seismic vulnerability methodology are based on three parameters that have to be derived […]
Ranking and prioritization of embankments is based on the input parameters including geometry, material, seismic event, upper level of bedrock layer,
After classifying the bridge embankments to category A, category B, or category C in accordance with the criteria listed in Table
Bridges in the western region of the Commonwealth of Kentucky are located near the New Madrid seismic zone, which is potentially
Seismic Risk Bridges in the commonwealth of Kentucky Read Post »
The geometry of each bridge embankment on or over I-24 in western Kentucky is taken from the bridge plans. The geometry
This document describes the authors efforts in addressing the technical component of embankment prioritization, and is well suited to a reliability-based
The seismic fragility of a structure refers to the probability that the Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP) will exceed seismic capacity
The expected risk of a project, assuming that the intensity measure as the seismic hazard parameter is deterministic, is calculated by
The design life of 100 years and the safety index of 4.0 were the basic design requirements for the Confederation Bridge.