Roofing Warranties
Long-term roofing warranties are quite common, but often their importance is overemphasized in selection of a roof. Many building owners and […]
Sociological changes, new technology in industry and commerce, new building codes, other new laws and regulations, inflationary economies of nations, and advances in building technology place an ever-increasing burden on building designers
and constructors. They need more and more knowledge and skill to cope with the demands placed on them.
The public continually demands more complex buildings than in the past. They must serve more purposes, last longer, and require less maintenance and repair. As in the past, they must look attractive. Yet, both building construction and operating
costs must be kept within acceptable limits or new construction will cease.
To meet this challenge successfully, continual improvements in building design and construction must be made. Building designers and constructors should be alert to these advances and learn how to apply them skillfully.
One advance of note to building design is the adaptation of operations research, or systems design, developed around the middle of the twentieth century and originally
applied with noteworthy results to design of machines and electronic equipment.
In the past, design of a new building was mainly an imitation of the design of an existing building. Innovations were often developed fortuitously and by intuition and were rare occurrences. In contrast, systems design encourages innovation.
It is a precise procedure that guides creativity toward the best decisions. As a result, it can play a significant role in meeting the challenges posed by increasing building complexity and costs. The basic principles of systems design are presented
in this section.
Long-term roofing warranties are quite common, but often their importance is overemphasized in selection of a roof. Many building owners and […]
Many of the insulation products described in the following are available in tapered configurations. Cellular glass is a rigid insulation composed
A good roof is dependent upon the structural integrity of the deck and compatibility of the deck with the roof covering
Article 1.4 points out that administration of building construction is difficult, as a result of which some clients, or owners, engage
After award of the construction contract, the architect or engineer generally continues to assist the client in relations with the contractor.
Role of Architect or Engineer During Construction Read Post »
After the risk of a hazard has been assessed, the building designers and contractors, guided by building-code, design standards, zoning-code, and
All estimates should be reviewed by all responsible parties at every stage. An estimate review should begin with a survey of
This type of door is generally selected for entranceways carrying a continuous flow of traffic without very high peaks. They offer
For walls more than 10 in thick, the ACI 318 Building Code requires two-way layers of bars in each face.