Control of Reflection and Reverberation
Normally, acoustical absorbents are used to prevent or minimize reflections of sound from the surfaces of rooms or enclosures. Distinct reflections echoes are usually objectionable in any occupied space. Rapid, repeated, but still partly distinguishable echoes, such as occur between parallel sidewalls of a corridor flutter are also objectionable.
Reverberation comprises very rapid, repeated, jumbled echoes, blending into an indistinct but continuing sound after the source that created them has ceased.
Usually, reverberation is one of the major causes of poor intelligibility of speech within a room; but, within limits, it may actually enhance the sound of music within a space. Reverberation control is a necessary and important aspect of good acoustic design, but it is often greatly overemphasized. Good room proportions and configuration, control of echoes, and absorption of noise usually assure an acceptable reverberation time within a space. Where careful determination and control of reverberation
are required in a room, the services of a competent acoustical consultant are always advisable.
Reflections from strategically located and properly shaped room surfaces may be highly desirable, because such reflections may strongly enhance the source signal.
But excessively delayed or highly persistent reflections are usually undesirable.
(For most purposes, and within the normal frequency range of importance to human hearing, it may be assumed that the angle at which sound waves, like light waves, reflect from a surface equals the angle of incidence. Because of the enormously longer wavelength of sound compared with light, however, this assumption is inexact but nevertheless it is acceptable for most acoustic design.)
In most rooms, absorption of most of the acoustical energy impinging on many of the surfaces (the floor, distant walls, etc.) is desirable to prevent buildup or increase of unintelligible or useless sound. For this purpose, sound absorbents may be placed on some or all of the surfaces. The difference in sound pressure level (or noise level) caused within a space by the introduction of absorbents can be calculated, and from such a calculation, it is possible to determine how effective such treatment will be.
Noise reduction (NR), dB, provided by adding acoustical absorbents in a space can be determined from
Acoustical absorption equals the sum of the products of each area (in consistent units) in the space times the absorption coefficient of the material constituting the surface of the area; for example, the floor area, ft^2 X its absorption coefficient, plus ceiling area, ft^2 X its absorption coefficient, plus total wall area, ft2 its absorption coefficient.
[Note: An anomalous but useful term is often used in advertising data, the noise reduction coefficient (NRC). This is the arithmetic average of the sound absorption coefficients of a material as determined at 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz (Art. 11.79.5). Since these frequencies include the most significant speech and intelligibility ranges, such a figure is a reasonably good means of comparing similar materials;
that is, materials with absorption characteristics not differing widely from one another within this frequency range. Often, NRC is used, instead of the absorption coefficients at various frequencies, to determine an average noise reduction from Eq. (11.14).]
Equation (11.14) indicates that the more absorption present originally the less the improvement provided by added absorption. Thus, in a very hard, bare room, addition of acoustical (sound-absorbent) tile to a full ceiling significantly reduces the noise level. But addition of the same ceiling tile in a room with a thick carpet, upholstered furniture, and heavy draperies would make little change.
Heavy carpet, upholstered furniture, heavy draperies, and similar materials are very effective absorbers. In residences, for example, rarely is additional acoustical absorption required in bedrooms, living rooms, and similar spaces. In kitchens, bathrooms, or recreation rooms, with normal hard floors and few additional furnishings or fabrics, however, an acoustical tile ceiling is helpful. This is equally true of offices and similar spaces. In theaters and auditoriums, the large expanse of upholstered seating and aisle carpets is normally adequate for most noise control, but added absorption on some wall surfaces may be required for control of echoes.
Reverberation Time. The reverberation within a space is usually expressed as the time required for a sound pulse to decay 60 dB (to one-millionth of its original level). For most purposes, reverberation time T, s, can be calculated from the simple Sabine formula:
Equation (11.15) assumes a smooth, steady, logarithmic decay; random distribution of sound within the room, with the wave front striking every surface quickly and within the decay time; and no standing waves between surfaces that could support a persistent mode. These are idealized conditions and never exist, but the formula is sufficiently accurate for most purposes.
Because the absorption of an absorbent material varies with frequency of sound, it is necessary to calculate T for each significant frequency. For most reverberation calculations, determinations at 500 Hz are adequate. For concert halls, and critical spaces, calculations are usually made 2 octaves above and 2 octaves below 500 Hz as well.
Optimum reverberation time for a room is a subjective determination, governed by speech intelligibility and the fullness and richness of musical sound desired. Figure 11.99 shows, within the shaded area, the acceptable range of reverberation times for normal spaces of varying volume. For critical spaces (radio studios, concert halls, auditoriums, etc.), it is advisable to obtain the advice of competent acoustical consultants.
It is imperative that designers understand that a reverberation-time determination is not an acoustical analysis, and that, in many instances, reverberation time is a trivial part of an acoustical study.