Hydraulic Milestones and Scheduling

WSDOT has developed the Project Management and Reporting System to track and manage projects. This system uses a master deliverable list (MDL) to identify major elements that occur during most projects. The MDL is intended to be a starting point for creating a work breakdown structure and identifies specific offices with which the PEO should communicate during project schedule development. The current MDL identifies three options for hydraulics (see Section 1-3):
• Type A report
• Type B report
• Specialty report
Regardless of the type of report, the milestones identified in
Table 1-3 apply. At the 10 percent milestone, all projects with hydraulic features shall develop an approved hydraulic schedule. At a minimum, the schedule shall include the milestones with agreed-upon dates by the PEO, the RHE, and the State Hydraulics Office. Additional guidance will be provided in future revisions to

the Hydraulics Manual.

MDL = master deliverable list.
PEO = Project Engineer’s Office.
TBD = to be determined.
CN = construction phase of a project.
a. Allow additional time for projects submitted around major holidays.

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