Abandoned Pipe Guidelines

8-11 Abandoned Pipe Guidelines

Abandoned pipes shall be removed, plugged per Standard Specification 7-08.3(4), or filled with controlled-density fill (CDF) per Standard Specification 2-09.3(1)E. If it is not practical to remove the pipe, the pipe can be abandoned in place and the pipe ends can be plugged as specified in the Standard Specifications. All pipes shall be evaluated prior to abandonment by the project PEO, RHE, or State Hydraulics Office to determine what potential hazards are associated with pipe failure. If a pipe failure could cause a collapse of the roadway prism, the pipe shall either be removed or completely filled with a CDF that meets the requirements per the Standard Specifications. See the decision tree for pipe abandonment in Figure 8-16 and pipe abandonment determination schematic in Figure 8-17.

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