Helpful Hints for Noise Control

A building encloses a myriad of activities and the equipment used in those activities.
It is imperative that designers and builders consider the control of noise and vibration associated with such activities. While it is not practical to give here detailed solutions to the many potential acoustical conditions that may arise in the design of even one building, the more common situations encountered and the most likely palliatives for such problems are indicated in Tables 11.34 and 11.35.
Sound originates at a source and travels via a path to a receiver. Sound control consists of modifying or treating any or all of these three elements in some manner.
The most effective control measures often involve eliminating noise at the source. For example:
Balancing moving parts, lubricating bearings, improving aerodynamics of duct systems, etc.
Modifying parts or processes Changing to a different, less noisy process The most common sound control measures usually involve acoustical treatment to absorb sound; but equally important are:
Use of barriers to prevent airborne sound transmission Interruption of the path with carefully designed discontinuities Use of damping materials to minimize radiation from surfaces Another important approach involves reinforcing the direct sound with controlled reflections from properly designed reflective surfaces.
Often, the most simple and effective approach involves protecting the receivers, enclosing them within adequate barriers, or equipping them with personal protection devices (ear plugs or muffs), rather than trying to enclose or modify huge sources
or an entire room or building.

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