Plumbing-System Inspection and Tests

Plans for plumbing systems must usually be approved before construction is started.
After installation of the piping and fixtures has been completed, both the new work and any existing work affected by the new work must be inspected and tested. The plumber or plumbing contractor is then informed of any violations. These must be corrected before the governing body will approve the system.

Most plumbing codes allow air or water to be used for preliminary testing of drainage, vent, and plumbing pipes. After the fixtures are in place, their traps should be filled with water and a final test made of the complete drainage system.
When a system is tested with water, all pipe openings are tightly sealed, except the highest one. The pipes are then filled with water until overflow occurs from the top opening. With this method, either the entire system or sections of it can be tested. In no case, however, should the head of water on a portion being tested be  less than 10 ft, except for the top 10 ft of the system. Water should be kept in the system for at least 15 min before the inspection starts. During the inspection, piping and fixtures must be tight at all points; otherwise approval cannot be granted.
An air test is made by sealing all pipe outlets and subjecting the piping to an air pressure of 5 psi throughout the system. The system should be tight enough to permit maintaining this pressure for at least 15 min without the addition of any air.
The final test required of plumbing systems uses either smoke or peppermint.
In the smoke test, all traps are sealed with water and a thick, strong-smelling smoke is injected into the pipes by means of a suitable number of smoke machines. As soon as smoke appears at the roof stack outlets, they should he closed and a pressure equivalent to 1 in of water should be maintained throughout the system for 15 min before inspection begins. For the peppermint test, 2 oz of oil of peppermint are introduced into each line or stack.

Natural and manufactured gases are widely used for heating in stoves, water heaters, and space heaters of many designs. Since gas can form explosive mixtures when mixed with air, gas piping must be absolutely tight and free of leaks at all times.
Usual plumbing codes cover every phase of gas-piping size, installation, and testing.
The local code governing a particular building should be carefully followed during design and installation.
(National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, American National Standards Institute and National Fire Protection Association; see also model plumbing codes and mechanical codes of the various building officials associations listed in Art. 14.1.)

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