When selecting watermain pipe materials, size plays a crucial role. For pipes with diameters under 600mm, ductile iron is the preferred choice due to practical considerations. Internal welding for steel pipes of this size is challenging, while ductile iron pipes offer simpler jointing details, resulting in faster construction rates.
However, for watermain pipes exceeding 600mm in diameter, steel pipes become the recommended option. This shift is primarily attributed to the weight advantage of steel over ductile iron at the same material strength. Steel pipes are lighter, making them more cost-effective to transport and handle, especially in areas with difficult access.
This size-dependent material selection reflects a balance between ease of construction and material efficiency. Ductile iron’s simplicity in smaller diameters prioritizes rapid installation, while steel’s weight advantage in larger diameters optimizes cost and logistical considerations. By understanding the specific requirements of each project, engineers can make informed decisions to ensure the most suitable and efficient materials are used for watermain construction.